Danish Pakistani Business Council held farewell dinner with Ambassador S. Gardezi
Dansk Pakistansk Venskabsforening
Distinguished ambassador, representatives of the business council, ladies and gentlemen, History is more than the path left by the past, it influences the present and shapes the future. We are gathered here today, to express our gratitude to the honourable ambassador form Pakistan, to give thanks for all the progress and success he has achieved during his service as the ambassador. Upon his arrival he has worked tirelessly to establish the confidence an affection between our two nations. Few people have reached so far into in the hearts of our great nations. Until today, no one has reached these steps, with such talent and determination as shown by the honourable ambassador. It is therefore ladies and gentlemen, my honor to have the opportunity express the satisfaction felt amongst our members for the astounding achievements you have had. I therefore wish you luck on all of your future endeavours, for I certainly know, you will do just as well a job, as you have during your service as ambassador to Denmark. On behalf this audience and my fellow members of council, thank you very much Mr. Gardezi